Event Tickets
1. WCS Footwork Drlls
An exhausting but rewarding hour full of drills and concepts that will make your West Coast Swing journey more pleasure
Get familiar with the footwork variations that you see in many videos
Highly beneficial for beginners as well as competition dancers
Single registrations
Gordon Mac Donald
15 €
2. dancers responsive system part 2
Discover ways to let your body react and respond to inside and outside signals during the dance
Intense process of 2 hours, developing leaders signaling and followers responding and changing
High emphasis of continuous movement drills
Single registrations, Role Balancing
Gordon Mac Donald
25 €
3. HipHop Isolations
Time to get more out of your body and start working on your isolations to make your moves more adaptable to any type of song you will encounter. 1 full hour
Focusing on basic hiphop movements
Implementing into your musicality
For beginners and advanced dancers, but with high intensity structure
Gordon Mac Donald
15 €
4. Musicality Building
Reach finally an in depth understanding of how an average song is built and how you will be able to dance to it. Beginner, intermediate, advanced? This one is for you!
For all social and competition dancers.
2 hours of counting, delaying, syncopating and implementing.
Mandatory: well rested minds as you WILL need all your senses for this Intensive..!!
Gordon Mac Donald
25 €